Or Music:
Lady In Blue by Joe Dolan [CD: Gypsy Lady]
Sentimental And Blue by Joe Dolan [CD: Gypsy Lady]
Wave, Rock, Side Shuffle
1-2 Cross left over right, right to right
3-4 Left behind right, right to right
5-6 Rock left across right, recover
7&8 Step to left left-right-left
Cross, Hold, Side Shuffle, Rock And Coaster Steps
1-2 Cross right in front of left, hold
3&4 Step to left left-right-left
5-6 Rock forward on right, recover
7&8 Step right back, left next to right and forward on right
Step, Pivot ½, Sweep Into Sailor Step, Jazz Box Turn Into Coaster Step
1-2 Step forward on left, pivot ½ right
3&4 Sweep right behind left, left next to right and forward on right
5-6 Cross left over right, right back into ¼ turn left
7&8 Step left back, right next to left and forward on left
Diagonal Lock Steps & Shuffle, Side, Hold& Sailor Step
1-2 Step diagonally forward on right, lock left behind
3&4 Step diagonally forward right-left-right
5-6 Step left to left, hold
7&8 Step right behind left, left next to right and forward on right
Lady In Blue by Joe Dolan [CD: Gypsy Lady]
Sentimental And Blue by Joe Dolan [CD: Gypsy Lady]
Wave, Rock, Side Shuffle
1-2 Cross left over right, right to right
3-4 Left behind right, right to right
5-6 Rock left across right, recover
7&8 Step to left left-right-left
Cross, Hold, Side Shuffle, Rock And Coaster Steps
1-2 Cross right in front of left, hold
3&4 Step to left left-right-left
5-6 Rock forward on right, recover
7&8 Step right back, left next to right and forward on right
Step, Pivot ½, Sweep Into Sailor Step, Jazz Box Turn Into Coaster Step
1-2 Step forward on left, pivot ½ right
3&4 Sweep right behind left, left next to right and forward on right
5-6 Cross left over right, right back into ¼ turn left
7&8 Step left back, right next to left and forward on left
Diagonal Lock Steps & Shuffle, Side, Hold& Sailor Step
1-2 Step diagonally forward on right, lock left behind
3&4 Step diagonally forward right-left-right
5-6 Step left to left, hold
7&8 Step right behind left, left next to right and forward on right