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Waltz In Moonlight

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Judy Rodgers (USA) - August 2008
You Make The Moonlight - 4 Runner
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Intro: 24 count intro
Or Music:
Someone Must Feel Like a Fool Tonight (100 bpm) by Kenny Rogers 12 count intro
Let the Light Shine on You by Doug Stone…….24 count intro

Step Left, Rock, Recover, Step Right, Behind, Side
1-3 Step left to side, rock back right behind, recover to left
4-6 Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side

Cross, Turn, Step Together, Step Forward, Point, Hold
1-3 Cross left over right, turn ¼ left stepping right back, step left beside right
4-6 Step right forward, point left to side, hold

Coaster Step, Full Right Turn (Or Forward Basic)
1-3 Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward
4-6 Full right turn forward, stepping right, left, right
(easier option – basic forward waltz stepping right, left, right)

Step Forward, Rock, Recover, Weave Left
1-3 Step left forward, rock right to right side, recover to left
4-6 Step right across left, step left to left side, step right behind left


TAG: *** When using both ‘You Make the Moonlight’ and ‘Let the Light Shine on You’, there is a 9 count tag AFTER you finish the 4th repetition (facing front wall).

Rock, Recover, Cross Left Forward, Rock, Recover, Cross Right Forward
1-3 Rock left out to left, recover to right, cross left over right diagonally forward
4-6 Rock right out to right, recover to left, cross right over left diagonally forward

Sway, Sway, Hold
1-3 Step left to left swaying left, sway right (weight on right), hold

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