CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I'm Goin Back

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Angela Rushing (USA) - July 2008
Massachusetts - Bee Gees : (CD: Horizontal)
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Touch, Cross (Right-Left), Backward Locks (Right-Left)
1-2 Touch right toe to right, cross right in front of left
3-4 Touch left toe to the left, cross left in front of right
5-6 Step right back, lock left over right, step right back
7-8 Step left back, lock right over left, step left back

Touch, Cross (Right-Left) Backward Locks (Right-Left)
9-10 Touch right toe to right, cross right in front of left
11-12 Touch left toe to the left, cross left in front of right
13-14 Step right back, lock left over right, step right back
15-16 Step left back, lock right over left, step left back

Walk Twice, ¼ Turn Combo Shuffle, ¾ Turn, Vine (Left-Right)
17-18 Step right forward, step left forward
19-20 Turn ¼ left stepping right to right side, step left beside right, step right to the side (9:00)
21-22 Step left forward, making ¾ turn right (6:00)
23-26 Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, touch right together
27-30 Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, touch left together

Swivel (Both Feet), Walk Back 4x
31-32 Swivel both feet to right side, return to both feet to center
33-34 Swivel both feet to left side, return to both feet to center
35-38 Walk back four times - right, left, right, left

Shuffles (Right-Left), Diagonally Step Back, Touch, (Right-Left)
39-40 Shuffle forward right, right, left, right
41-42 Shuffle forward left, left, right, left
43-44 Step back right diagonal and touch left together
45-46 Step back left diagonal and touch right together


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