CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Summer Slide

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Kevin Richards (USA) & Sean Flaherty - June 2008
All Summer Long - Kid Rock
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Walk R, L (Angle R), Rock R, L, R, Walk L, R (Angle L) Rock L, R, L
1-2 Step R at Angle to R, Step L at Angle to R
3&4 Rock R Forward, L Back, R Forward
5-6 Step L at Angle to L, Step R at Angle to L
7&8 Rock L Forward, R Back, L Forward

R Side Step, Hold And Clap, L Step, 1/4 R Shuffle Turn, Step L 1/2 Turn Pivot R, Left Shuffle
1-2 Step R to R, Hold and Clap
&3&4 Step L together, Step R ¼ R (starting shuffle), L together, R Forward
5-6 Step L Forward, Pivot ½ R (now facing 9 o’clock position)
7&8 Left Shuffle Forward

R Out, L Out, Swivel Toes In, Heels In, Toes In, Skate R,L,R,L
1-2 Step R to R side, Step L to L side
3&4 Both toes swivel in, both heels swivel in, both toes together
5-8 Slide R foot at a slight angle forward to the right, Slide L Foot at a slight angle forward to the left, repeat

Right Heel Front Twice, Back Twice, Front, Back, Stamp, Hook R In Front Of L Knee, Flick R Back And Make 1/4 Turn Left
1-4 Touch R Heel Forward Twice, Touch R Toe Back Twice
5&6 Touch R Heel Forward, Touch R Toe Back, Stamp R together
7-8 Hook R heel in front of L knee (slap foot with left hand), Flick R back and make a ¼ L (slap foot with right hand) (now facing 6 o’clock position, back wall)

Right Shuffle Back, Left Shuffle Back And Make 1/2 Left, Step R Pivot 1/2 Left, Walk R, L
1&2 Shuffle Right Back
3&4 Shuffle Left Back while making a ½ turn Left
5-6 Step R forward, Pivot ½ turn Left (now facing 6 o’clock position, back wall)
7-8 Walk forward R, L

Cross Right Over Left, Left Back, Right Out, Left Over, Right Touch Out, Repeat
1-2 Cross R over L, Step L Back
3&4 Step R Out to R, Left Over, R Touch R Side
5-8 Repeat

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