CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Time Of My Life

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Leong Mei Ling (MY) - 2008
The Time of My Life - David Cook : (CD: Studio Version)
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Intro: Starts after the guitar strums on the word 'I've' (I've been waiting..)

Note: Although the dance might have phrased better with the song with Tags and Restarts, I have opted to omit them to keep the dance straightforward and simple.

Side Step, Back Cross Rock, Side Step, Back Cross Rock
1-2-3 Step right to right side, press ball of left behind right, recover weight on right
4-5-6 Step left to left side, press ball of right behind left, recover weight on left
Option: If you find the music too quick to handle, Step right to right, draw left towards right for counts 1-3, and step left to left, draw right towards left for counts 4-5.

Make 3 Point Turn Right (Full Turn), Draw Left Beside Right
1-2-3 1/4 turn right step right forward, 1/4 turn right step left to left side, 1/2 turn right on ball of left stepping right to right side (12:00)
4-5-6 Draw left toe towards right over 3 counts

Side Step, Back Cross Rock, Side Step, Back Cross Rock
1-2-3 Step left to left side, press ball of right behind left, recover weight on left
4-5-6 Step right to right side, press ball of left behind right, recover weight on right
Option: Step left to left, draw right towards left for counts 1-3, and step right to right, draw left towards right for counts 4-5.

Make 3 Point Turn Left (Full Turn), Draw Right Beside Left
1-2-3 1/4 turn left step left forward, 1/4 turn left step right to right side, 1/2 turn left on ball of right stepping left to left side (12:00)
4-5-6 Draw right toe towards left over 3 counts

Step Forward, Sweep, Step Forward, Sweep
1-2-3 Step right forward, sweep left in semi-circle from back to front
4-5-6 Step left forward, sweep right in semi-circle from back to front

Cross, Side Step, 1/4 Turn Right Step Side
1-2-3 Cross step right over left, step left slightly to left side, 1/4 turn right stepping long step to right (3:00)
4-5-6 Draw left toe towards right over 3 counts

Step Forward, 1/2 Turn Left Step Back, Together, Step Back, 1/2 Turn Left Forward, Together
1-2-3 Step left forward, 1/2 turn left stepping right back, step left beside right (9:00)
4-5-6 Step right back, 1/2 turn left stepping left forward, step right beside left (3:00)

Make 2 Steps Forward, 1/4 Ronde, Weave
1-2-3 Step left forward, step right forward (poised for sweep & turn), sweep left from back to front as you turn 1/4 right
4-5-6 Step left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right

Repeat & Enjoy The Dance!

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