CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 158211
French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language


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Rebecca Armstrong (SCO) - April 2008
Denial - Sugababes
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INTRO: 32 COUNTS Start on vocals

(1-8) 4 heel switches with ¼ turn right, rock, recover, coaster step
1&2& touch L heel fwd, step L foot beside R foot, touch R Heel fwd, step R foot beside L foot
3&4& touch L heel fwd, step L foot beside R foot turning ¼ turn to R, touch R heel fwd, step R foot beside L foot
5-6 rock fwd on left foot, recover back on right
7&8 step L foot back, step R foot beside L foot, step L foot fwd (optional full triple turn over left shoulder)

(9-16) Right heel, heel, behind side heel, kick forward, side, sailor step
1-2 touch R heel to R diagonal twice
3&4 step R behind L, step L to L side, touch R heel across L foot
5-6 kick R fwd, kick R foot to R side
7&8 step R foot behind L, step L foot beside R, step R to R side

(17-24) left heel, heel, behind side heel, kick forward, side, sailor step, step
1-2 touch L heel to L diagonal twice
3&4 step L behind R, step R to R side, touch L heel across R foot
5-6 kick L fwd, kick L foot to L side
7&8& step L foot behind R, step R foot beside L, step L to L side, step on to R foot

(25-32) Rock , recover, coaster step, step , touch, walk back L R
1-2 rock forward on left foot, recover back on right
3&4 step L foot back, step R foot beside L foot, step L foot fwd (optional full triple turn over left shoulder)
5-6 step forward on right foot, touch left toe behind right foot
7-8 step back on left, step back on right

TAG: Left grapevine, touch, right grapevine, touch
1-4 step L foot to L side, step R behind L, step L foot to L side, touch R foot beside L
5-8 step R foot to R side, step L behind R, step R foot to R side, touch L foot beside R

RESTART: on walls 2 and 5 AFTER count 24

TAG: At the end of wall 3 there is an 8 count tag AFTER count 32

Thanks to Jackie Brennan for all her help.

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