(48 Count Intro )
Section 1: Step Forward & Scuff x2, Right Vine, Toe Touch.
1-2 Step Forward On Right, scuff left forward.
3-4 Step forward on left, scuff right forward.
5-6 Step right to right side, cross left behind right.
7-8 Step right to right side, touch left toe beside right.
Section 2: Left Vine With ¼ Turn Left, Toe Touch, Kick x2, Jazz Jump Back, Clap.
1-2 Step left to left side, cross right behind left.
3-4 Make a quarter turn left stepping forward on left, touch right toe beside left.
5-6 Kick right forward twice.
&7 Step back on right, step left shoulder width apart from right.
8 Hold & Clap.
Section 3: Rumba Box (With Toe Touches).
1-2 Step right to right side, close left beside right.
3-4 Step forward on right, touch left to beside right.
5-6 Step left to left side, close right beside left.
7-8 Step back on left, touch right toe beside left.
Section 4: ½ Turn “Side Step & Toe Touch” Pattern With Finger Clicks.
1-2 Step right to right side, touch left toe beside right
(clicking Fingers of Both hands to right side at Shoulder height).
3-4 Make a quarter turn left stepping left to left side, touch right toe beside left
(clicking Fingers of Both hands to left side at Shoulder height).
5-6 Make a quarter turn left stepping right to right side, touch left toe beside right
(clicking Fingers of Both hands to right side at Shoulder height).
7-8 Step left to left side, touch right toe beside left.
(clicking Fingers of Both hands to left side at Shoulder height).
Begin Again.
Section 1: Step Forward & Scuff x2, Right Vine, Toe Touch.
1-2 Step Forward On Right, scuff left forward.
3-4 Step forward on left, scuff right forward.
5-6 Step right to right side, cross left behind right.
7-8 Step right to right side, touch left toe beside right.
Section 2: Left Vine With ¼ Turn Left, Toe Touch, Kick x2, Jazz Jump Back, Clap.
1-2 Step left to left side, cross right behind left.
3-4 Make a quarter turn left stepping forward on left, touch right toe beside left.
5-6 Kick right forward twice.
&7 Step back on right, step left shoulder width apart from right.
8 Hold & Clap.
Section 3: Rumba Box (With Toe Touches).
1-2 Step right to right side, close left beside right.
3-4 Step forward on right, touch left to beside right.
5-6 Step left to left side, close right beside left.
7-8 Step back on left, touch right toe beside left.
Section 4: ½ Turn “Side Step & Toe Touch” Pattern With Finger Clicks.
1-2 Step right to right side, touch left toe beside right
(clicking Fingers of Both hands to right side at Shoulder height).
3-4 Make a quarter turn left stepping left to left side, touch right toe beside left
(clicking Fingers of Both hands to left side at Shoulder height).
5-6 Make a quarter turn left stepping right to right side, touch left toe beside right
(clicking Fingers of Both hands to right side at Shoulder height).
7-8 Step left to left side, touch right toe beside left.
(clicking Fingers of Both hands to left side at Shoulder height).
Begin Again.