Intro: start on vocals “I had to”
Twist left, right with ¼ turn left kick & point kick & point behind unwind.
1-2 twist both heels left, twist both heels right with a ¼ turn left
3&4 kick right forward, bring back next to left, point left to side
5&6 kick left forward, bring back to right, point right to side
7-8 put right behind left, unwind ½ turn right
Chasse left rock back Chasse right rock back
1&2 step left to left, right next to left, step left to left
3--4 rock right behind left, recover onto left
5&6 step right to side, left next to right, step right to side
7-8 rock left behind right, recover onto right
Pivot ½ turn pivot ½ turn weave right
1-2-3-4 step forward left, ½ turn right, step forward left, ½ turn right
5-6-7-8 cross left over right, right to side, left behind right, right to side
Pivot ½ turn pivot ½ turn weave left
1-2-3-4 step forward left, ½ turn right, step forward left, ½ turn right
5-6-7-8 step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, step forward right
Forward rock & coaster step left & right
1--2 -3 & 4 step forward left, recover onto right, step back left, step right next to left, step left forward
5-6 -7 & 8 step forward right, recover onto left, step back right, step left next to right, step right forward.
Point forward side & side & side x 2
1 -2 &3&4 point left toe forward, point left toe to left side, bring left next to right, point right toe to side, bring right next to left point left toe to side.
5-6 &7&8 repeat the above
And walk right left shuffle right & left & jump out & in
&1-2 3&4 walk forward right, left, step forward right, left next to right, then right forward
5&-6 & 7& 8 step left forward, right next to left, step left forward, jump both feet out then in
(&7&8 jumps landing right then left out right then left in)
Back right & left with sweeps reverse unwind ½ turn mambo left
1-2-3-4 step back right, sweep left out and round, step left sweep right out and round
5-6 7 & 8 touch right toe back, unwind ½ turn right, rock out left, recover onto right, step left next to right
** Restart comes here on wall 4
Toe touches forward & side
1-2-3-4 touch right toe forward, bring back next to left, touch left toe forward, bring back next to right
5-6-7-8 touch right toe to right side, bring back next to left, touch left toe to left side, bring back next to right
** Restart comes here on wall 5
Toe strut back right & left
1-2-3-4 touch right toe back, drop heel, touch left toe back, drop heel
Begin again.
Tag: End of wall 2 add 2 extra toe struts back
On wall 4 after 64 counts **
On wall 5 after 72 counts **
Twist left, right with ¼ turn left kick & point kick & point behind unwind.
1-2 twist both heels left, twist both heels right with a ¼ turn left
3&4 kick right forward, bring back next to left, point left to side
5&6 kick left forward, bring back to right, point right to side
7-8 put right behind left, unwind ½ turn right
Chasse left rock back Chasse right rock back
1&2 step left to left, right next to left, step left to left
3--4 rock right behind left, recover onto left
5&6 step right to side, left next to right, step right to side
7-8 rock left behind right, recover onto right
Pivot ½ turn pivot ½ turn weave right
1-2-3-4 step forward left, ½ turn right, step forward left, ½ turn right
5-6-7-8 cross left over right, right to side, left behind right, right to side
Pivot ½ turn pivot ½ turn weave left
1-2-3-4 step forward left, ½ turn right, step forward left, ½ turn right
5-6-7-8 step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, step forward right
Forward rock & coaster step left & right
1--2 -3 & 4 step forward left, recover onto right, step back left, step right next to left, step left forward
5-6 -7 & 8 step forward right, recover onto left, step back right, step left next to right, step right forward.
Point forward side & side & side x 2
1 -2 &3&4 point left toe forward, point left toe to left side, bring left next to right, point right toe to side, bring right next to left point left toe to side.
5-6 &7&8 repeat the above
And walk right left shuffle right & left & jump out & in
&1-2 3&4 walk forward right, left, step forward right, left next to right, then right forward
5&-6 & 7& 8 step left forward, right next to left, step left forward, jump both feet out then in
(&7&8 jumps landing right then left out right then left in)
Back right & left with sweeps reverse unwind ½ turn mambo left
1-2-3-4 step back right, sweep left out and round, step left sweep right out and round
5-6 7 & 8 touch right toe back, unwind ½ turn right, rock out left, recover onto right, step left next to right
** Restart comes here on wall 4
Toe touches forward & side
1-2-3-4 touch right toe forward, bring back next to left, touch left toe forward, bring back next to right
5-6-7-8 touch right toe to right side, bring back next to left, touch left toe to left side, bring back next to right
** Restart comes here on wall 5
Toe strut back right & left
1-2-3-4 touch right toe back, drop heel, touch left toe back, drop heel
Begin again.
Tag: End of wall 2 add 2 extra toe struts back
On wall 4 after 64 counts **
On wall 5 after 72 counts **