Intro: 32 Counts.
Dance repeats in an Anti-Clockwise direction.
L Side Shuffle, R Rock back/Recover, R Vine 1/4 turn, L Brush.
1&2 Step Left to left, Close Right beside Left, Step Left to left.
3-4 Rock Right behind Left, Recover onto Left in place.
5-7 Step Right to right, cross Left behind Right, turn 1/4 right stepping forward Right.
8 Brush left foot forward.(3:00)
L Step 1/2 Pivot Step, R Heel Grind 1/4 turn, Weave, L Brush.
1-3 Step Left forward, Pivot 1/2 turn right, Step Left forward.
4 Touch Right heel (beside Left, so Right toes are in line with Left in-step).
5 Swivel 1/4 turn right, with weight on Right heel and Left toes (fanning Right toes from left to right, weight ends on Left).
6&7 Cross Right behind Left, Step Left to left, Cross Right in front of Left.
8 Brush Left to left side.(12:00)
L Cross, R Brush, R Cross/Hold, L Coaster, R Rock forward/Recover
1-2 Cross step Left in front of Right, Brush Right to right side.
3-4 Cross step Right in front of Left, Hold for one count.
&5-6 Step Left back, Step Right beside Left, Step Left forward.
7-8 Rock forward Right, Recover back onto Left in place.(12:00)
Shuffle 1/2 Turn R, L Step 1/4 Pivot, L Cross Strut, R Scissor cross.
1&2 1/2 turn over right shoulder stepping Right, Left, Right.
3-4 Step Left forward, Pivot 1/4 turn right.
5-6 Step on toes of Left across Right, Drop Left heel in place.
&7-8 Step Right to right, Slide Left beside Right, Step Right across Left.(9:00)
And Repeat from Beginning.
Dance repeats in an Anti-Clockwise direction.
L Side Shuffle, R Rock back/Recover, R Vine 1/4 turn, L Brush.
1&2 Step Left to left, Close Right beside Left, Step Left to left.
3-4 Rock Right behind Left, Recover onto Left in place.
5-7 Step Right to right, cross Left behind Right, turn 1/4 right stepping forward Right.
8 Brush left foot forward.(3:00)
L Step 1/2 Pivot Step, R Heel Grind 1/4 turn, Weave, L Brush.
1-3 Step Left forward, Pivot 1/2 turn right, Step Left forward.
4 Touch Right heel (beside Left, so Right toes are in line with Left in-step).
5 Swivel 1/4 turn right, with weight on Right heel and Left toes (fanning Right toes from left to right, weight ends on Left).
6&7 Cross Right behind Left, Step Left to left, Cross Right in front of Left.
8 Brush Left to left side.(12:00)
L Cross, R Brush, R Cross/Hold, L Coaster, R Rock forward/Recover
1-2 Cross step Left in front of Right, Brush Right to right side.
3-4 Cross step Right in front of Left, Hold for one count.
&5-6 Step Left back, Step Right beside Left, Step Left forward.
7-8 Rock forward Right, Recover back onto Left in place.(12:00)
Shuffle 1/2 Turn R, L Step 1/4 Pivot, L Cross Strut, R Scissor cross.
1&2 1/2 turn over right shoulder stepping Right, Left, Right.
3-4 Step Left forward, Pivot 1/4 turn right.
5-6 Step on toes of Left across Right, Drop Left heel in place.
&7-8 Step Right to right, Slide Left beside Right, Step Right across Left.(9:00)
And Repeat from Beginning.