Easy Intermediate
Intro: 16 counts, start after the girls have singing, baby come back.
Walk x2, lock step fw, step 1/4 turn, cross shuffle.
1-2 Walk forward on R, walk forward on L
3&4 step forward on R, lock L behind R, step forward on R
5-6 step forward on L, turn 1/4 R (weight on R) (facing 3:00)
7&8 cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R.
Rumba box, lock step back, hitch, together, cross rock.
1&2 step R to R side, step L next to R, step forward on R
3&4 step L to L side, step R next to L, step back on L
5&6 step back on R, lock L across R, step back on R
7&8& hitch L, step L together R, step R across L, recover onto L.
Chasse right, hitch, cross rock, chasse left, step 1/2 turn.
1&2 Step R to R side, Step L next to R, step R to R side
& Hitch L across R
3-4 Cross L over R, recover onto R
5&6 step L to L side, step R next to L, step L to L side
7-8 Step forward on R, turn 1/2 ( over your left shoulder)( weight on L) (facing 9:00)
Heel dig fw, together, point to left, together, point to right, flick, lock step forward, step turn step.
1& dig R heel forward, step R together L (weight on R)
2& point L to L side, step L together R
3-4 point R to R side, flick R over L
5&6 step forward on R, lock L behind R, step forward on R
7&8 step forward on L, turn 1/2 ( over your right shoulder), step forward on L.
Start again..... Enjoy and have fun
Walk x2, lock step fw, step 1/4 turn, cross shuffle.
1-2 Walk forward on R, walk forward on L
3&4 step forward on R, lock L behind R, step forward on R
5-6 step forward on L, turn 1/4 R (weight on R) (facing 3:00)
7&8 cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R.
Rumba box, lock step back, hitch, together, cross rock.
1&2 step R to R side, step L next to R, step forward on R
3&4 step L to L side, step R next to L, step back on L
5&6 step back on R, lock L across R, step back on R
7&8& hitch L, step L together R, step R across L, recover onto L.
Chasse right, hitch, cross rock, chasse left, step 1/2 turn.
1&2 Step R to R side, Step L next to R, step R to R side
& Hitch L across R
3-4 Cross L over R, recover onto R
5&6 step L to L side, step R next to L, step L to L side
7-8 Step forward on R, turn 1/2 ( over your left shoulder)( weight on L) (facing 9:00)
Heel dig fw, together, point to left, together, point to right, flick, lock step forward, step turn step.
1& dig R heel forward, step R together L (weight on R)
2& point L to L side, step L together R
3-4 point R to R side, flick R over L
5&6 step forward on R, lock L behind R, step forward on R
7&8 step forward on L, turn 1/2 ( over your right shoulder), step forward on L.
Start again..... Enjoy and have fun