Intro: 32 counts.
Side, behind, ball, cross shuffle,¼ turn R, pivot turn, walk x2
1-2& RF step R-side, LF cross behind R, RF on ball back
3&4 L cross shuffle
5-6 RF step ¼ turn R, LF step forward
&7-8 Turn ½ R, LF walk forward, RF walk forward
L rock step, L coaster step, R rock step, ball, cross, side sway
1-2 LF rock forward, RF recover
3&4 LV step back, RF beside LF, LF step forward
5-6 RF rock forward, LF recover
&7-8 RV on ball, LV cross over RF, RF step side R and sway hip
Sway x2, chasse L, back rock, recover, ball, cross shuffle
1-2 Sway hips L, R
3&4 Chasse L
5-6& RF rock back, LF recover, RF on ball
7&8 L cross shuffle
Side rock, recover ¼ turn L, RF step, sweep L&R, side, behind, side, cross over, hip sways
1&2 RF rock R-side, turn ¼ recover, RF step
3-4 LF sweep forward, RF sweep forward
&5&6 LF side, RF behind, LF side, RF cross over
7-8 Sway hips L-R
Side, ½ turn R x2, drag, sailor ¼ turn R, L shuffle
1-2 LF step to L, turn ½ R RF step R-side
3-4 Turn ½ R LF step to L-side, RF drag
5&6 Sailor step with ¼ turn R
7&8 L-shuffle forward
Begin again.
TAG after 5 walls
1&2&3&4& paddle turns
Side, behind, ball, cross shuffle,¼ turn R, pivot turn, walk x2
1-2& RF step R-side, LF cross behind R, RF on ball back
3&4 L cross shuffle
5-6 RF step ¼ turn R, LF step forward
&7-8 Turn ½ R, LF walk forward, RF walk forward
L rock step, L coaster step, R rock step, ball, cross, side sway
1-2 LF rock forward, RF recover
3&4 LV step back, RF beside LF, LF step forward
5-6 RF rock forward, LF recover
&7-8 RV on ball, LV cross over RF, RF step side R and sway hip
Sway x2, chasse L, back rock, recover, ball, cross shuffle
1-2 Sway hips L, R
3&4 Chasse L
5-6& RF rock back, LF recover, RF on ball
7&8 L cross shuffle
Side rock, recover ¼ turn L, RF step, sweep L&R, side, behind, side, cross over, hip sways
1&2 RF rock R-side, turn ¼ recover, RF step
3-4 LF sweep forward, RF sweep forward
&5&6 LF side, RF behind, LF side, RF cross over
7-8 Sway hips L-R
Side, ½ turn R x2, drag, sailor ¼ turn R, L shuffle
1-2 LF step to L, turn ½ R RF step R-side
3-4 Turn ½ R LF step to L-side, RF drag
5&6 Sailor step with ¼ turn R
7&8 L-shuffle forward
Begin again.
TAG after 5 walls
1&2&3&4& paddle turns