Dance starts on vocals – 16 counts in – Each beat of music is a step or hold.
Left lock step forward, Right mambo forward, Hold (12:00)
1-4 Left lock step forward, scuff right
5-8 Mambo step (forward with right foot, recover left, Step together with Right), Hold
Left lock step back, Right coaster step, Hold
1-4 Left lock step back, hold
5-8 Right coaster step (step back on right, step together with left, step forward on right), Hold
¼ Paddle turns to right, forward left, together, left (slow shuffle) (6:00)
1-4 Quarter pivot to right, quarter pivot to right
5-8 Step together Step (forward with left foot)
¼ Paddle turns to left, forward right, together, right (slow shuffle) (12:00)
1-4 Quarter pivot to left, quarter pivot to left
5-8 Step together step (forward with right foot)
Left side mambo step, Right sailor step turning ¼ to right (3:00)
1-4 Mambo side left (step side with left, recover right, step together left to right) , hold
5-8 Right sailor step turning ¼ turn to right, hold
Step touches, Step forward, together, forward, touch
1-4 Step forward on diagonal with left, touch right beside left, step back on right, Touch left beside right
5-8 Stepping forward on diagonal with left, step right together, step forward left, touch right beside left
Back step touches, Step back, together, back, touch
1-4 Step back on diagonal with right, Touch left beside right, Step forward, touch right beside left
5-8 Stepping back on diagonal with right, step together with left, step back with right, touch left beside right.
1-4 Stepping left, sway hips left, Hold, Stepping right, sway hips right, Hold
5-8 Stepping left, sway hips left, Hold, Stepping right, sway hips right, Hold . . . .
Begin again …
NOTE: The music seems to stop towards the end during 5th pattern. You will be at step 16 – continue with steps 17 thru 64. It seems to stop again during the 6th pattern (last one). You will again be at step 16 – continue with steps 17 thru 64. and end with sways.
Left lock step forward, Right mambo forward, Hold (12:00)
1-4 Left lock step forward, scuff right
5-8 Mambo step (forward with right foot, recover left, Step together with Right), Hold
Left lock step back, Right coaster step, Hold
1-4 Left lock step back, hold
5-8 Right coaster step (step back on right, step together with left, step forward on right), Hold
¼ Paddle turns to right, forward left, together, left (slow shuffle) (6:00)
1-4 Quarter pivot to right, quarter pivot to right
5-8 Step together Step (forward with left foot)
¼ Paddle turns to left, forward right, together, right (slow shuffle) (12:00)
1-4 Quarter pivot to left, quarter pivot to left
5-8 Step together step (forward with right foot)
Left side mambo step, Right sailor step turning ¼ to right (3:00)
1-4 Mambo side left (step side with left, recover right, step together left to right) , hold
5-8 Right sailor step turning ¼ turn to right, hold
Step touches, Step forward, together, forward, touch
1-4 Step forward on diagonal with left, touch right beside left, step back on right, Touch left beside right
5-8 Stepping forward on diagonal with left, step right together, step forward left, touch right beside left
Back step touches, Step back, together, back, touch
1-4 Step back on diagonal with right, Touch left beside right, Step forward, touch right beside left
5-8 Stepping back on diagonal with right, step together with left, step back with right, touch left beside right.
1-4 Stepping left, sway hips left, Hold, Stepping right, sway hips right, Hold
5-8 Stepping left, sway hips left, Hold, Stepping right, sway hips right, Hold . . . .
Begin again …
NOTE: The music seems to stop towards the end during 5th pattern. You will be at step 16 – continue with steps 17 thru 64. It seems to stop again during the 6th pattern (last one). You will again be at step 16 – continue with steps 17 thru 64. and end with sways.