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Marion's Rumba (100% Woman)

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Phil Johnson (UK) - October 2007
100 % Absolute Woman - Ove Støylen : (CD: Dusty Boots)
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Intro: 16 counts.

(Travelling backwards to left diagonal); Cross right over Left, ¼ turn Right, Step to Right, Hold; Cross left over right, ¼ turn left, step to Left, Hold; Cross right over Left, ¼ turn Right, Step to Right, Hold; (Travelling forward), Full turn left Sweep Right in front of Left
1-4 Cross right over left ¼ turn right stepping back on left, step right to right side, Hold
5-8 Cross left over right, ¼ turn left stepping back on right, step left to left side, Hold
9-12 Cross right over left ¼ turn right stepping back on left, step right to right side, Hold
13-16 (Travelling forward) Step left forward (left toe to the left ready to half turn left), ½ turn left stepping back on right, ½ turn left stepping forward on left, sweep right around and in front of left (3 o’clock)
Restart here on wall three – on wall three there is a musical interlude during which you dance the first 16 counts and start again when Ove recommences singing and you are facing 9 0’clock

Cross Right Over left, ¼ turn Right x 2 stepping Right forward; Forward Left, ½ Turn Left and ¼ Turn left, sweep Right in front of Left
17-20 Cross right over left, ¼ turn right stepping back on left, ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, Hold; (9 o’clock)
21-24 Step left forward, ½ turn left stepping back on right, ½ turn left stepping forward on left, ¼ turn left sweeping right around and in front of left. (6 o’clock)

Right Crossing Shuffle, Hold, Weave to Right, Sweep right to touch behind left
25-28 Cross Step right over left, step left to left side, cross step right over left, Sweep left around and in front of right:
29-32 Cross step left over right, step right to right side, Step left behind right, sweep right around and behind left heel. (6 o’clock)

Touch Right behind Left, unwind ½ turn right, cross Step left over right, Hold, ½ turn left stepping Right, Left, Cross Step Right over Left, Sweep Left in front of Right
33-36 Touch right toe behind left heel (dipping slightly down and starting to ½ turn right), unwind half turn right (rising back up and with weight on right) cross step left over right, Hold;
37-40 ¼ turn left stepping back on right, ¼ turn left stepping left to left side, cross step right over left, Hold. (6 o’clock)

Unwind ¾ turn Left, Hold. Sway Right Left Right Left
41-44 Unwind ¾ turn left (over three beats – end with weight on left and right heel raised so that only the ball of the right foot touches the floor), Hold
45-48 Sway right left right left. (dipping down for the first two sways and then up for the second two sways – Remember that the Rumba is supposed to be the most erotic and sensuous of the Latin dances, so be as sensual as you can – even the men!)(9 o’clock)

Rock back Right, recover ½ turn left, Hold; Rock back left, recover ½ turn Right, Hold
49-52 Rock back on right, recover weight forward on left, ½ turn left stepping back on right, hold;
53-56 Rock back on left, recover weight forward on right, ½ turn right stepping back on left, hold (9.00)

Rock Right Back, Recover; Rock to Right, Recover; Rock Right Forward, Recover; Rock to Right, Recover
57-60 Rock back on right, recover weight forward on left; rock right to right side, recover weight on left,
61-64 Cross rock right in front of left, recover weight back on left, rock right to right side, recover weight on left. (3 o’clock)
Counts 57 -64 should include sways of the hips As the music fades, facing the back wall, you will be doing counts 57-64, Change to
57-60 As above
61-64 Step right forward, pivot half turn left, rock forward on right, recover weight back on left; (9 o’clock)

Begin again

(65-end) Rock back on right, recover weight forward on left, rock forward on right, recover weight back on left, rock back on right, recover weight forward on left and carry on rocking as the music fades

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