1-2-3 | Step right to right, tap left toe together twice | |||||||||||||||||
4-5-6 | Step left to left, tap right toe together twice | |||||||||||||||||
1-2-3 | Turn ¼ right - step forward right, step forward left, step back right | |||||||||||||||||
4-5-6 | Turn ¼ left - step left to left, tap right toe together twice | |||||||||||||||||
1-2-3 | Turn ¼ left - pivot left on left, step right to right(sway hips), left to left, right to right | |||||||||||||||||
4-5-6 | Left sailor step - step left behind right, rock right to right, rock left to left | |||||||||||||||||
1-2-3 | Right sailor step - step right behind left, rock left to left, rock right to right | |||||||||||||||||
4-5-6 | Turn ¼ left - step forward on left, point right to right. Hold one count | |||||||||||||||||
1-2-3 | Cross right over left, point left to left. Hold one count | |||||||||||||||||
4-5-6 | Turn ¼ left - pivot left on right & drop left heel. Tap right up to left heel, step back right | |||||||||||||||||
1-2-3 | Left coaster step - step back left, step right together, step forward left | |||||||||||||||||
4-5-6 | Waltz forward right-left-right | |||||||||||||||||
1-2-3 | Waltz back left-right-left | |||||||||||||||||
4-5-6 | Step forward right - turn ¼ left(weight left), cross right over left | |||||||||||||||||
1-2-3 | Sway hips - step left to left, step right to right, step left to left | |||||||||||||||||
4-5-6 | Turn ½ left - step forward right, pivot turn left(weight left), touch right together REPEAT |
| RESTART: Fifth(5th) wall - facing front - complete counts 1-12 then |
1-9 | Waltz forward right-left-right, waltz back left-right-left. Step right to right, (tap left toes together twice.) |
10-12 | Step left to left, (tap right toes together twice) |
| Start again from beginning