64 count intro | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Walks x2, right sailor step walks x2, left sailor heel. |
1-2 | walk fwd on right, walk fwd on left. |
3&4 | cross right behind left, step left beside right, step right in place. |
5-6 | walk left, walk right. |
7&8& | cross left behind right, step right beside left, tap left heel fwd, step left beside right. |
| Cross right over leftx2, heel bouncesx4, with ½ turn left. |
1-2& | cross right over left, hold 1 count, move left close to right |
3-4& | cross step with right, hold 1 count, move left close to right |
5-8 | on both feet, bounce heels to count of 4 ½ turn left |
| On counts 5-8, try angling body slightly left, stretch arms out straight and make like an aeroplane banking |
| Fwd rock, back shuffle, back rock fwd shuffle |
1-2 | rock fwd on right, recover on left |
3&4 | shuffle back right, left, right. |
5-6 | rock back on left, recover on right. |
7&8 | shuffle fwd, left, right, left. |
| Short vine left, sailor step with ¼ turn right, ½ turn left, shuffle ½ turn left |
1-2 | cross right over left, step left to left side. |
3&4 | cross right behind left, step left beside right, step right in place with ¼ turn right |
5-6 | step fwd on left , step back on right with ½ turn left |
7&8 | shuffle ½ turn left; left, right, left. |
| Restart: after count 16 of wall 4, (facing 9, o, clock) |
| Start dance again from the beginning.