12 count intro | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This dance was written for Myra Ehrlich from Torbanlea who, in the dim dark past, has been a country singer and she just loves yodelling. The Topp Twins have a similar country background to Myra and their yodelling is legendary. I'm a big fan of both Myra AND the Topp Twins so it is my pleasure to unite them in this dance. You Go Girls! NO TAGS OR RESTARTS |
| Waltz Fwd, Waltz Back, Waltz Fwd 1/2 Turn, Waltz Back 1/4 Turn |
1,2,3 | Waltz fwd L,R,L |
4,5,6 | Waltz back R,L,R |
7,8,9 | Waltz fwd L,R,L making 1/2 turn left |
10,11,12 | Waltz back R,L,R making 1/4 turn left (now facing 3 o'clock) |
| Slow 6 Count Heel Jack, Waltz Back 1/4 Turn, Waltz Fwd |
13,14,15 | Step fwd on L, Tap R behind L, Step back on R |
16,17,18 | Touch L heel fwd, Step fwd on L, Tap R beside L |
19,20,21 | Waltz back R,L,R making 1/4 turn left (now facing the front) |
22,23,24 | Waltz fwd L,R,L |
| Waltz Back 1/2 turn, Waltz Fwd 1/2 Turn, Waltz Back 1/2 Turn, Waltz Fwd |
25,26,27 | Waltz back R,L,R making 1/2 turn left |
28,29,30 | Waltz fwd L,R,L making 1/2 turn left |
31,32,33 | Waltz back R,L,R making 1/2 turn left |
34,35,36 | Waltz fwd L,R,L |
| *(if you have trouble turning just waltz straight ahead) |
| Step Back Touch Hold, Behind Side Side, Step Back Touch Hold, Step Toe Strut |
37,38,39 | Step back on R, Touch L toe to left side, Hold |
40,41,42 | Step L behind R, Step R to right, Step L to left |
43,44,45 | Step R back behind L, With body angled towards right corner touch L toe to left side, Hold |
46 | Step fwd on L towards the right corner |
47,48 | Still facing the corner execute a R toe strut |
| *(you will straighten up and waltz forward to start the dance again) | Email:janwyllie@iinet.net.au, Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie/