Count in: 32 counts- on main vocals. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
See * for optional introduction - sections 5&6 - 16 counts in on heavy beat facing 3 o clock wall. Weight starts on left foot |
Section 1 | Step. Step f/wd. Sailor ½ turn. Hitch ½ turn. Touch. Flick cross. Heel splits. Coaster step. Brush. Hitch. |
&1 | Step right beside left. Step left forward. |
2&3 | Cross step right behind left making ¼ turn right. Make ¼ turn right, stepping left beside right. Step right forward. |
&4&5 | Hitch left knee as you make ½ turn right on ball of right foot. Touch left beside right. Flick left foot to left side. Cross step left over right. |
&6&7& | Split heels: out-in. step back right. Step back left. Step forward right. |
8& | Brush left foot forward. Hitch left knee. |
Section 2 | Heel dig. Back. Drag. Coaster heel. ¼ turn. Turn head. Press. Sailor press (With shoulders) |
1 | Dig left heel forward (lean forward here)(weight well over left foot) |
2 | Take huge step back on right as you drag left heel towards right. |
3&4 | Step back left. Step back right. Touch left heel forward. |
&5 | Make ¼ turn right rolling right shoulder back (Feet apart leaving head facing left). Turn head ¼ turn right. |
6 | Press right to right side. Bring right shoulder up. |
7&8 | Cross step left behind right. Step right to right side. Press left to left side bringing left shoulder up |
Section 3 | Cross point. Side. Cross. Back side. Hitch. Dig. Hitch. Step. Hitch. (All with alternate shoulder pops) Mambo step with backwards shoulder roll. |
1-2 | Cross point right over left (lean back to right diagonal) point right to right side (straighten up) |
3&4 | Cross step right over left. Step back on left. Step right to right side. |
&5 | Hitch left knee as you raise left shoulder. Dig left heel forward as you raise right shoulder. |
&6 | Hitch left knee as you raise left shoulder. Step left forward as you raise right shoulder. |
&7 | Hitch right knee. Rock forward on right heel. |
&8 | Rock back on left as you raise left shoulder. Step right beside left. |
| (From count 7- raise right shoulder and circle backwards as left shoulder rolls up & back) For added attitude: place hands on ?belt buckle? |
Section 4 | Mambo round hitch ¼. Rock recover. Side. Step side roll. Step side roll (Traveling left) |
1&2 | Rock forward left. Recover on right. Make ¼ turn left as you hitch left knee up & around behind right. |
3&4 | Rock back on left. Recover on right. Step left to left side. |
&5-6 | Step right beside left. Step left to left side. Roll hips anti clockwise. |
&7-8 | Step right beside left. Step left to left side. Roll hips anti clockwise. Weight ends on left. |
| (Re-start here- during 5th repetition- you will be facing the home wall) |
| * this section is also optional introduction (Optional arms for this section in italics) |
Section 5 | Flick. Crouch. Toes in. Toes out. Hitch. Sailor step. Knee & shoulder pops Right & left. Sailor point. |
&1 | Flick right behind left. Crouch with feet apart toes pointing out (with fist clenched, arms out in front shoulder width apart). |
& | Bring toes in. (bring left arm up, touch right fist to left elbow) |
2 | Point toes out (You will be traveling right) (bring right arm up, touch left fist to right elbow) |
& | Hitch left knee. |
3&4 | Cross left behind right. Step right to right side step left to side. |
| (As you sailor step bring right arm underneath and over left bringing both arms out in front of you placing hands on thighs) |
&5 | (keeping hands on thighs)Pop right knee towards left. (Pop right shoulder forward& left back) Pop right knee out (Pop right shoulder back) |
&6 | pop left knee towards right. (Pop left shoulder forward& right back) Pop left knee out (Pop left shoulder back) |
7&8 | Cross step right behind left. Step left to left side. Point right to right side. |
Section 6 | Funky cross rock side. X2 heel grind ¼. Step. Heel grind ½ step. Touch. |
1&2 | Cross rock right over left. Recover on left. Step right to right side. |
3&4 | Cross rock left over right. Recover on right. Step left to left side. (make it funky!) |
5&6 | touch right heel forward. Grind heel right as you make ¼ turn right stepping left beside right. Step right beside left. |
&7&8 | Touch left heel forward. Grind heel left as you make ½ turn left stepping left beside right. Touch right beside left. |
| Re-start: Dance to the end of section 4 during the 5th repetition of the dance & re start the dance from the beginning. You will facing the home wall