CopperKnob Stepsheets

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French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language


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Shane Sparks (USA) & Amy Spencer (USA)
Intro: 32 counts from first beat (app. 14 secs. into music).

[1 - 8] Diagonal step, contraction, & diagonal step, contraction, 2 steps fw, push, pull?
1-2Step L diagonally fw, contract chest and stomach (as if somebody punches you in stomach) ? weight should now be on R [12:00]
&3-4Bring L next to R, step R diagonally fw, contract chest and stomach (as if somebody punches in stomach) ? keep weight on R
5-6Step L fw, step R fw
7-8Push both arms forward and stick your bum back, pull arms back thrusting body fw

[9 - 16] ¼ R with step touch, step together, jump kick X 2, 3 sideways runs
1-2Turn ¼ R stepping L to L side, touch R next to L (styling: bend in L knee and punch R hand into L fist) [3:00]
3-4Step R to R side, bring L next to R (weight L)
5-6Jump to L side on L kicking R fw X 2 (Styling: punch both fists fw in a rolling action?)
7&8Run sideways R on R, L, R

[17 - 24] Body isolation (shoulder, head, head, shoulder), heel turn, body twist, point R & L
1-2Roll both shoulders fw, move head slightly fw [3:00]
3-4Move head back in place, roll both shoulders back in place
5-6Turn on your heels a ¼ L (only lower body turns), turn rest of body ¼ L (weight L)
7&8Point R to R side, bring R next to L, point L to L side

[25 - 32] Jump fw, jump back, jump on L with back flick, ½ L, rock back with arm swing, elbow pushes with ½ L
1-2Jump fw on both feet, jump back on both feet (weight L)
3-4Jump on L foot flicking R foot diagonally backwards (towards 4:30) and starting to turn ½ L, complete ½ turn stepping R to R side [6:00]
5&6Rock back on L swinging your straight L arm (L hand fisted) from front to back, recover to R foot swinging L arm back to front and down, step L small step L
7&8Stepping R to R side bend your R elbow and punch it sharply to R side (9:00), turn ½ L on L, stepping R to R side punch R elbow to R side (weight middled)

[33 - 40] Hip punch & side ball step, arms, fists back and front, fist punches
1&2Punch R hip with R fist (pushing weight onto L), step R next to L, step L to L side [12:00]
&3&4Swing both arms up in the air, keep them swinging down to diagonals (R arm pointing to 4:30, L arm pointing to 7:30), pull them in front of body, release them punching both elbows to the sides
5&6&Punch R fist down and behind your back, punch L fist down and behind your back, punch R fist down and in front of your body, punch L fist down and in front of you body (don?t cross your arms as you punch your fist behind and in front of body)
7&8Bend your L arm in front of chest punching R fist above L arm, keep L elbow bent pulling R fist backwards, punch R fist below your bent L arm (weight L)

[41 - 48] 1/8 L paddle turn x 2 (with lasso arms), clap thighs hands, shake it!!!
1-2Step fw R, paddle turn 1/8 L (as you do this pretend you swing a lasso in R hand) [11:30]
3-4Step fw R, paddle turn 1/8 L (as you do this pretend you swing a lasso in R hand) [9:00]
&5&6Slap both thighs with both hands, clap hands, shake your whole body
&7&8"keep shaking your body" (end with weight on L)

[49 - 56] R side step, L kick ball step to R side, kick L fw, L side step, R kick ball step to L side, kick R fw
1Step R to R side
2&3-4Kick L fw (punching both arms fw), step L next to R, step R to R side, kick L fw clapping hands
5Step L to L side
6&7-8Kick R fw (punching both arms fw), step R next to L, step L to L side, kick R fw clapping hands

[57 - 64] Step ¼ L, pop R knee in, pop L knee in, shake it!!!
1-2Step fw R, turn ¼ L (weight on L) [6:00]
3-4Pop R knee in towards L knee, pop L knee in towards R knee
&5&6"shake your body"
&7&8"shake your body" weight ends on R

Begin again - and make it look SHAKINGLY FUNky.

Note: Step sheet prepared by Niels B. Poulsen (August 2007) -

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