Intro: 16 counts start on the word ?LONG? | |
Section 1 | R diag rock forward, recover L, R behind & across, L side rock, recover R, triple full turn L |
1-2 | Rock forward diagonally onto right, recover weight back onto left |
3&4 | Cross step right behind left, step left to left side, cross step right over left |
5-6 | Rock left to left side, recover weight back onto right |
7&8 | Triple full turn left stepping left right left travelling slightly to right (12 o?clock) |
(Easy option: left behind and across) | |
Section 2 | R side rock, recover L, R behind ½ L R side, cross rock back L, recover R, L side shuffle |
1-2 | Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left |
3&4 | Cross step right behind left, making a ½ turn left step left forward, step right to right side (6 o?clock) |
5-6 | Cross rock left back behind right, recover weight forward onto right |
7&8 | Step left to left side, close right to left, step left to left side |
Section 3 | Skate forward R, skate forward L, R forward shuffle, rock forward L, recover R, ½ L, ¼ L |
1-2 | Skate forward onto right, skate forward onto left (or walk forward right left) |
3&4 | Step forward onto right, close left next to right, step forward onto right |
5-6 | Rock forward onto left, recover weight back onto right |
7-8 | Pivot ½ turn left stepping left forward, (12 o?clock) make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side (9 o?clock) |
Section 4 | Rock back L, recover R, L kick-ball cross, L side rock, recover R, triple 1½ L |
1-2 | Cross rock left back behind right, recover weight forward onto right |
3&4 | Kick left diagonally left forward, step left next to right, cross step right over left |
5-6 | Rock left to left side, recover weight onto right |
7&8 | Triple 1½ turn left stepping left right left (3 o?clock) |
(Easy option: shuffle ½ turn left stepping left right left) | |
RESTART: Start wall 6 facing the 3 o?clock wall, dance 1st 16 counts only (left side shuffle) you will then be facing the 9 o?clock wall then restart dance from the beginning. | |
ENDING: At end of dance, when facing the 3 o?clock wall, after count 6, recover weight onto right, do a ¼ left shuffle (to face the home wall) | |
Choreographers? note: after restart, you will dance complete wall. During the next wall there is a brief rapid drum beat, after the 1st 8 counts where you will have to concentrate to keep the steps ? just dance through and enjoy the dance. | |
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