1-4Kick left twice, shuffle to left
5-8Kick right twice, shuffle to right
9-12Grapevine left, touch right with clap
13-16Grapevine right, touch left with clap
17-32Repeat counts 1-16
33-36Coaster step (back left, tog right, forward left), kick right with clap
37-40Coaster step (back right, tog left, forward right), kick left with clap
41-48Repeat counts 33-40
49-56Tap right toe forward twice, back twice, forward, back, forward, hold
57-64Bump hips forward, back, forward, back, forward, back, clap hands twice
5-8Kick right twice, shuffle to right
9-12Grapevine left, touch right with clap
13-16Grapevine right, touch left with clap
17-32Repeat counts 1-16
33-36Coaster step (back left, tog right, forward left), kick right with clap
37-40Coaster step (back right, tog left, forward right), kick left with clap
41-48Repeat counts 33-40
49-56Tap right toe forward twice, back twice, forward, back, forward, hold
57-64Bump hips forward, back, forward, back, forward, back, clap hands twice