1-2Cross right in front of left, push left forward.
3-4Step right forward, scuff left.
5-6Cross left in front of right, push right forward.
7-8Step left forward, scuff right.
9-12Grapevine right, point left heel to side with body lean.
13-16Grapevine left, point right heel to side with body lean.
17-18Step right to side, cross left behind right & curtsy.
19-20Step left to side, cross right behind left & curtsy.
21-22Step right to side turning ¼ to right, cross left behind right & curtsy.
23-24Step left to side, cross right behind left & curtsy.
3-4Step right forward, scuff left.
5-6Cross left in front of right, push right forward.
7-8Step left forward, scuff right.
9-12Grapevine right, point left heel to side with body lean.
13-16Grapevine left, point right heel to side with body lean.
17-18Step right to side, cross left behind right & curtsy.
19-20Step left to side, cross right behind left & curtsy.
21-22Step right to side turning ¼ to right, cross left behind right & curtsy.
23-24Step left to side, cross right behind left & curtsy.