1-3&4Right lock, right shuffle
5-7&8Left ½ turn over right shoulder, kick left, step out left, right balancing weight on both feet
9-12Head roll towards right and then left
13-16Cross right over left and hold for one count and then bounce a ¾ turn on both heels leaving weight on left
17&18-20Shuffle on the right, step left ½ turn
21&22-24Shuffle on left, step right ½ turn
25-28Crossing jazz box (cross, out, out, together)
29-32Point right toe out to right side switch and point the left toe out to the left side, sweep left foot behind right and pivot around for a ½ turn keep weight on left foot
33&34-36Chasse right, rock back on left and replace
37&38-40Chasse left, rock back on right foot and replace
41-43&44Point right toe out to right side and pivot right toe to a ¼ turn and body roll for counts (43&44).
45-46&47-48Step forward on right foot, kick left foot in front, step back on left foot(&), touch right foot next to left for last count clap hands
5-7&8Left ½ turn over right shoulder, kick left, step out left, right balancing weight on both feet
9-12Head roll towards right and then left
13-16Cross right over left and hold for one count and then bounce a ¾ turn on both heels leaving weight on left
17&18-20Shuffle on the right, step left ½ turn
21&22-24Shuffle on left, step right ½ turn
25-28Crossing jazz box (cross, out, out, together)
29-32Point right toe out to right side switch and point the left toe out to the left side, sweep left foot behind right and pivot around for a ½ turn keep weight on left foot
33&34-36Chasse right, rock back on left and replace
37&38-40Chasse left, rock back on right foot and replace
41-43&44Point right toe out to right side and pivot right toe to a ¼ turn and body roll for counts (43&44).
45-46&47-48Step forward on right foot, kick left foot in front, step back on left foot(&), touch right foot next to left for last count clap hands