CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Come Out And Play

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Gina Ko
Play - Jennifer Lopez
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Sequence: AAABA

1-2Point right foot to right side, step in front of left
3-4Point left foot to left side, step in front right
5-6Kick right to front, kick left to front
7-8Step forward with right, quarter turn
On the 1st time, bend knees and "sit" like you're waiting
1-2Step right foot in front of left foot, point left foot out to left side
3-4Step left foot in front of right foot, point right foot out to right side
5-6Box step: right foot over left foot, left foot back ¼ turn
You should be facing beginning wall
7-8Right foot to right side, slide left foot in
1-2Step right foot to right side, slide left foot in
3-8Repeat 1-2 three more times
For counts 1-2 and 5-6 hands are up; 3-4 and 7-8 hands stretch out to left
Optional: head faces forward for counts 1-2 and 5-6 and faces right for counts 3-4 and 7-8
1-2Box step: right foot over left foot, left foot back
3-4Right foot step up, left foot slide in
5-6Right foot to right side, right foot in
7&Left toot touch, left foot in
8&Kick right foot out and place directly back while making a half turn
1-2Body roll
3-4Body roll
5-6Hip bump left high, bump low
7-8Hip bump left high, bump low
1-2Monterey turn with right foot to right side, right foot in while making half turn
3-4Left foot to left side, left foot in
5-6Right foot to right side, switch left foot to left side
7-8Right foot to right side, switch left foot to left side
1-2Quarter pivot turn with right foot with hip rolls
3-8Repeat counts 1-2 three more times
1-4Walk forward right, left, right, left
5-6Step forward with right foot and half turn step with left foot
7-8Full turn

1-2Point right foot to right side, step in front of left
3-4Point left foot front, hip thrust
5-6Kick right to front, kick left to front
7-8Step forward with right, quarter turn
1-2Step right foot in front of left foot, point left foot out to left side
3-4Step left foot in front of right foot, point right foot out to right side
5-6Box step: right foot over left foot, left foot back quarter turn
You should be facing beginning wall
7-8Right foot to right side, slide left foot in
While sliding left foot in, touch right pointer finger to right bottom side and quickly retract, like your buns are hot! "ow!")
1-2Step right foot to right side, slide left foot in
3-8Repeat counts 1-2 three more times
For counts 1-2 and 5-6 hands are up; 3-4 and 7-8 hands stretch out to left
Optional: head faces forward for counts 1-2 and 5-6 and faces right for counts 3-4 and 7-8
Optional: hold on count 8 when Jennifer speaks
1-2Box step: right foot over left foot, left foot back
3-4Right foot step up, left foot slide in
5-8Half turn, swiveling with hands in air making circular motion
1-2Right foot step out diagonally, left foot slide in
3-4Left foot step out diagonally, right foot slide in
5-6Brush right foot over left foot, left foot back
7-8Right foot back, left foot brush over right foot
1-2Right foot back, left foot back
3-4Right foot big step forward, left foot slide in
5-6Right foot to right side, right foot in
7-8Left foot to left side, left foot in
1-2Right foot touch out and in diagonally
3-4Left foot touch out and in diagonally
5-8Four pedal steps with right foot, turning left
1-2Step right foot forward, step left foot forward making pivot half turn (weight still on right foot)
3-4Pump left foot twice, stepping down on second pump
5-6Make full turn stepping with right foot, turning left
7-8Make full turn stepping with right foot, turning left
5-8 are two full turns with your weight ending up on left foot to start the dance over

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