1-2Rock right out to right side, back onto left
3&4Cross shuffle right across left (moving towards left)
5-6Step left out to left, cross right behind left
7&8Left coaster step with ¼ turn to the right
1&2Tap right heel forward, step right back in place and step left forward
3&4Tap right heel forward, step right back in place and step left forward
5-6Step right forward, turn ¼ left to face 12:00 and kick left out to side
7&8Step left behind right, right to right side, left in front of right
1&2Right sailor
3-4Place left behind right & unwind ½ turn
5-6Rock right forward, rock back onto left
7&8Turn ½ turn right, shuffle forward right, left, right
1-2Step left forward pivot ½ turn weight on right
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left(or a full turn right stepping left, right, left for a little challenge)
5&6Point right out to right side, hop & replace with left, point left out to left side
&7Hop & replace right with left, & point right out to side
At the end of the 5th & 11th patterns, do a hip circle to the left over 4 counts, keeping the weight on the left foot (on the words "wellllll")
The song ends after the step and kick, behind, side, front. Cross the left over the right and turn to the original wall to complete the dance with legs crossed at the finish.
3&4Cross shuffle right across left (moving towards left)
5-6Step left out to left, cross right behind left
7&8Left coaster step with ¼ turn to the right
1&2Tap right heel forward, step right back in place and step left forward
3&4Tap right heel forward, step right back in place and step left forward
5-6Step right forward, turn ¼ left to face 12:00 and kick left out to side
7&8Step left behind right, right to right side, left in front of right
1&2Right sailor
3-4Place left behind right & unwind ½ turn
5-6Rock right forward, rock back onto left
7&8Turn ½ turn right, shuffle forward right, left, right
1-2Step left forward pivot ½ turn weight on right
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left(or a full turn right stepping left, right, left for a little challenge)
5&6Point right out to right side, hop & replace with left, point left out to left side
&7Hop & replace right with left, & point right out to side
At the end of the 5th & 11th patterns, do a hip circle to the left over 4 counts, keeping the weight on the left foot (on the words "wellllll")
The song ends after the step and kick, behind, side, front. Cross the left over the right and turn to the original wall to complete the dance with legs crossed at the finish.