CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Get Loud

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Linda Burgess (AUS)
Let's Get Loud - Jennifer Lopez
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1-2Cross/rock right over left, replace weight to left
3&4Shuffle to right side (right-left-right)
5-6Turn ¼ right, step forward on left & pivot ½ turn right
7&8Shuffle forward left (left-right-left)
1&2Mambo steps - (knees slightly bent) step right to right side, step left in place, step right beside left
3&4Mambo steps - (knees slightly bent) step left to left side, step right in place, step left beside right
Look to right on count 1, look front on count 2, repeat to left count 3 etc
5-6Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left (weight on left)
7&8Kick right forward, ball change right-left
1&2(Cross samba) cross right in front of left, step left to left side on ball of foot, step right in place
3&4Shuffle forward left (left-right-left)
5&6Turn ½ turn right shuffle forward right (right-left-right)
7&8Turn ½ turn left shuffle forward left (left-right-left)
1&2&(Right heel ball cross & step/hop) tap right heel to a right 45 degrees, step back on ball of right foot, cross left in front of right, hop weight onto right (count &)
3&4&(Left heel ball cross & step/hop) tap left heel to a left 45 degrees, step back on ball of left foot, cross right in front of left, hop weight onto left (count &)
5-6Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left (weight on left)
7-8Turn ½ turn left step back on right, turn ½ turn left & step forward on left (full turn left)


On walls 2 & 10, just dance the first 16 counts on both these walls, then restart the dance from the beginning

Step forward on right foot to a left 45 degrees and raise arms up to a "V" above head on last count

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