1-4Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right, step left across right
5-8Rock step right to right, rock step left to left, step right across left, hold
9-10Making ¼ turn right step back on left toe, drop left heel (toe strut)
11-12Making a further ½ turn right toe strut forward on right
13-16Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right - weight on left, stomp left beside right, hold
&17Small step back on right, big step forward touching left heel forward
18-19-20Drop left heel down taking weight on it, stomp right beside left, hold
&21Small step back on right, big step forward touching left heel forward
22-23-24Drop left heel down taking weight on it, stomp right beside left, hold
25-26Touch left heel forward, making ¼ turn left drop left toe to floor (¼ heel strut)
27-28Rock step forward on right, rock back on left
29-32Touch right behind, pivot ½ turn right on ball of left, stomp right beside left, hold
33-36Step left toe to left side, step down on left, step right toe beside left, step down on right
37-40Rock step left to left side, rock weight to right, stomp left beside right, hold
41-44Step right toe to right side, step down on right, step left toe beside right, step down on left
45-46Stomp right beside left (right arm "throws" spear downward at same time), hold
47-48Stomp right beside left (right arm "throws" spear downward at same time), hold
5-8Rock step right to right, rock step left to left, step right across left, hold
9-10Making ¼ turn right step back on left toe, drop left heel (toe strut)
11-12Making a further ½ turn right toe strut forward on right
13-16Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right - weight on left, stomp left beside right, hold
&17Small step back on right, big step forward touching left heel forward
18-19-20Drop left heel down taking weight on it, stomp right beside left, hold
&21Small step back on right, big step forward touching left heel forward
22-23-24Drop left heel down taking weight on it, stomp right beside left, hold
25-26Touch left heel forward, making ¼ turn left drop left toe to floor (¼ heel strut)
27-28Rock step forward on right, rock back on left
29-32Touch right behind, pivot ½ turn right on ball of left, stomp right beside left, hold
33-36Step left toe to left side, step down on left, step right toe beside left, step down on right
37-40Rock step left to left side, rock weight to right, stomp left beside right, hold
41-44Step right toe to right side, step down on right, step left toe beside right, step down on left
45-46Stomp right beside left (right arm "throws" spear downward at same time), hold
47-48Stomp right beside left (right arm "throws" spear downward at same time), hold