CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hey Sista

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Linda Jensen (AUS)
Hey Sista - Texas Rose
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1-2Step right to side, step left behind right
&3Step right to beside left, touch left heel to 45
&4Step left beside right, tap right beside left
5-6Step right forward, step left forward
&7-8Step right beside left, rock left forward, step right back 12:00
1-2Turn ½ left and step left forward, turn ½ left and step back on right
3&4Turn ½ left and shuffle forward stepping left, right, left
5-6Step cross right over left, step left back
7-8Turn ¼ right and step right to side, touch left beside right 9:00
1-2Step left forward twisting heel to center, step right forward twisting heel to center
3-4Step left forward twisting heel to center, turn ¼ right and step right slightly forward
&5Step left back to 45, touch right heel forward to 45
&6Step right beside left, step left beside right
&7Step right back to 45, touch left heel forward to 45
&8Step left beside right, touch right beside left 12:00
1-2Full turn right moving right stepping right, left
3-4Step right to right side, touch left beside right
5-6Rock back on left, rock forward onto right (count 30)
7&8Left kick ball change (kick left forward, step left beside right, step right beside left)12:00
1-2Step left forward to 45, lock step right behind left heel
&3-4Step left to side, step right to right side, replace weight onto left
5&6Step cross right behind left, step left to side, step cross right over left
7-8Rock left to left side, replace weight onto right 12:00
1-2Step left forward and across right, point right toe to right side
&3-4Step right behind left, cross step left over right, point right toe to right side
5-6Step right forward and across left, point left toe to left side
&7Step left behind right, cross step right over left
8&Step left to left side, turn ½ right 6:00


Dance to count 30, cross left over right, unwind ½ right ending with weight on left

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