1-23&4Rock right to right replace weave to the left (right, left, right in front)
5-6-7-8Four hip bumps (left, right, left, right)
1-2-3&4Rock left to left, replace weave right (left, right, left in front)
5&6&7-8Heel right heel left, right heel hook
1-2-3-4Rock right forward replace, rock right back replace
5-6-7-8Pivot half turn over right shoulder, pivot half turn over left shoulder
&1-2-3-4Quick step forward on right, pivot half turn over left, walk left, right
5&6-7&8Sailor step to right, sailor step to left
1-2-3&4Rock forward left, triple turn over left
5&6&7&8Touch right, left, out click heel together
1-2-3&4Rock right forward, back shuffle (right, left, right)
5-6-7&8Rock left back, shuffle forward (left, right, left)
1&2-3&4Left heel click, right heel click
Alternatively left samba step, right samba step
5-6&7-8Right heel hold, left heel, right heel, hold
1-2-3&4Touch forward right, touch right side, sailor step
5-6-7&8Touch forward left, touch left side, sailor step
After count 16 of wall 4
1&2-3&4Rock right to right side, right in front of left, rock left 2 left side, left in front of right heading right
5-6-7-8Four hip bumps (right, left, right, left)
1-2-3&4Right right forward, shuffle back right, left, right
5-6-7&8Rock left back, replace, step left forward half turn over left, step right back, left back
Restart the dance from the beginning
5-6-7-8Four hip bumps (left, right, left, right)
1-2-3&4Rock left to left, replace weave right (left, right, left in front)
5&6&7-8Heel right heel left, right heel hook
1-2-3-4Rock right forward replace, rock right back replace
5-6-7-8Pivot half turn over right shoulder, pivot half turn over left shoulder
&1-2-3-4Quick step forward on right, pivot half turn over left, walk left, right
5&6-7&8Sailor step to right, sailor step to left
1-2-3&4Rock forward left, triple turn over left
5&6&7&8Touch right, left, out click heel together
1-2-3&4Rock right forward, back shuffle (right, left, right)
5-6-7&8Rock left back, shuffle forward (left, right, left)
1&2-3&4Left heel click, right heel click
Alternatively left samba step, right samba step
5-6&7-8Right heel hold, left heel, right heel, hold
1-2-3&4Touch forward right, touch right side, sailor step
5-6-7&8Touch forward left, touch left side, sailor step
After count 16 of wall 4
1&2-3&4Rock right to right side, right in front of left, rock left 2 left side, left in front of right heading right
5-6-7-8Four hip bumps (right, left, right, left)
1-2-3&4Right right forward, shuffle back right, left, right
5-6-7&8Rock left back, replace, step left forward half turn over left, step right back, left back
Restart the dance from the beginning