1-8Apple-jacks (left, center, right, center, left, center, right, center)
Variation: 4 fans (left, right, left, right)
9-12Turning (full turn) vine left, right, left, stomp right
Variation: no-turn vine
13-16Right heel to side, slap right foot behind back with left, right heel in front, hook over left knee
17-20Step right diagonally forward. & bump twice right, twice left
21-24Turning vine right making 1 & ¼ turn (right, left, right, scuff left)
Variation: vine with ¼ turn
25-28Struts (left heel, down, right heel, down)
29-32Stomp left, hitch left & hop on right, stomp left, clap
Variation: 4 fans (left, right, left, right)
9-12Turning (full turn) vine left, right, left, stomp right
Variation: no-turn vine
13-16Right heel to side, slap right foot behind back with left, right heel in front, hook over left knee
17-20Step right diagonally forward. & bump twice right, twice left
21-24Turning vine right making 1 & ¼ turn (right, left, right, scuff left)
Variation: vine with ¼ turn
25-28Struts (left heel, down, right heel, down)
29-32Stomp left, hitch left & hop on right, stomp left, clap