1-2Rock forward onto right foot; rock back onto left foot
3&4Right shuffle in place
5-6Rock forward onto left foot; rock back onto right foot
7&8Left shuffle in place
9-10Rock back onto right foot; rock forward onto left foot
11&12Right shuffle forward making a ½ turn to the left
13-14Rock back onto left foot; rock forward onto right foot
15-16Touch left toe together; clap
17-18Step left foot to the side; touch right toe together and clap
19-20Step right foot to the side; stomp left foot together
21-22Tap both heels twice (double heel bounce)
23-24Pigeon toes (heel splits)
3&4Right shuffle in place
5-6Rock forward onto left foot; rock back onto right foot
7&8Left shuffle in place
9-10Rock back onto right foot; rock forward onto left foot
11&12Right shuffle forward making a ½ turn to the left
13-14Rock back onto left foot; rock forward onto right foot
15-16Touch left toe together; clap
17-18Step left foot to the side; touch right toe together and clap
19-20Step right foot to the side; stomp left foot together
21-22Tap both heels twice (double heel bounce)
23-24Pigeon toes (heel splits)