1-2Right toe tap ground right heel tap ground
3&4Right shuffle in place
5-6Left toe tap ground left heel tap ground
7&8Left shuffle in place
9-12Walk forward right left right kick left and clap
13-15Walk back left right left
&16Right step back left cross over right (syncopation cross)
17-20Vine right with kick and clap
21-24Vine left with ¼ turn hitch right
25-26Right step forward hip bump twice forward
27-28Left hip bump twice backwards
29-32Full grind of hips swirl hips in a full circle
3&4Right shuffle in place
5-6Left toe tap ground left heel tap ground
7&8Left shuffle in place
9-12Walk forward right left right kick left and clap
13-15Walk back left right left
&16Right step back left cross over right (syncopation cross)
17-20Vine right with kick and clap
21-24Vine left with ¼ turn hitch right
25-26Right step forward hip bump twice forward
27-28Left hip bump twice backwards
29-32Full grind of hips swirl hips in a full circle