CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Veanem Waltz (P)

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Val Wild & Mary Wild
Waltzing With You - Tony Andrews
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Position: Face to face holding hands, Left hand over Right

1-6Step forward on right left, right in place, step forward on left right, left in place
7-12Step forward on right left, right in place, step back on left right, left in place (hands are crossed in front right over left)
13-24Step forward diagonally on right left, right in place, back on left right, left in place, step forward diagonally on right left right in place, back on left right, left in place
Drop hands and rejoin right over left as you step (left shoulders together)
25-30Step forward on right left, right in place, step forward on left right, left in place
31-36Step forward on right, left, right in place, step forward on left, right, left in place
37-42Step right left behind lady, right in place, hands crossed to do a full turn left, right, left in place
43-48Turn ½ turn in front of lady on right, left, right in place, left right left in place
You are doing ½ turn to the right both walking around together
49-54Drop left hands doing a ½ turn right on right, left, right in place (back into sweetheart), step forward on left right, left in place
Rejoin hands in Sweetheart Position
55-60Weave on right over left to left, step left right in place (drop left hands), weave on left over right to the right, step right left in place
You will be in Sweetheart Position
61-66Step forward on right left, right in place, step forward on left right, left in place
67-78Step forward on right left, right in place, step back on left right
Rejoin hands crossed in front


1-6Step forward on left doing ½ turn left, right, step left in place to face LOD in Sweetheart Position, step forward on right, left, right in place

7-12Step forward on left turning ½ right to face man, step back on right, left, right in place
Hands are crossed in front right over left
13-24Step forward diagonally on left (right shoulders together), right, left in place, (arms are outstretched) step back on right, left, right in place, step forward diagonally on left (left shoulders together) right, left in place (arms outstretched), step back on right, left, right in place
Drop hands and rejoin right over left as you step (left shoulders together)
25-30Step forward on left doing a full turn right (holding right hands) right, left in place, step forward on right, left, right in place
31-36Step forward on left, right, left in place, step forward on right, left, right in place
37-42Step to left on left crossing front of man doing ½ turn right, left in place, step in place with right, left, right in place
43-48Step on left (cross round back of man) right, left in place, step round right, left, right in place
You are doing ½ turn to the right both walking around together
49-54Drop left hands step back on left, right, left in place step forward on right, left, right in place
Rejoin hands in sweetheart position
55-60Step forward on left doing ½ turn right, right, left in place
Drop left hands
61-66Step back on right doing ½ turn right, left, right in place
You will be in sweetheart position
67-78Step forward on left right, left in place, step forward on right left, right in place, (rejoin hands crossed in front), step forward on left doing ½ turn right, left in place, right left in place, step back right left, right, in place step forward left right, left in place, step back on right left, right in place


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