CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Under Mine

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Anne Bradbury (AUS)
He Will Be Mine - Carlene Carter
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&1&2Step right beside left, touch left heel forward, jump on right while hitching left, step forward on left
3&4Shuffle forward right, left, right
5-8Rock/step forward on left, rock back on right, step back on left, hold
&9&10Step back on right, touch left heel forward, jump on right while hitching left, step forward on left
11&12Shuffle forward right, left, right
13-16Rock/step forward on left, rock back on right, step back on left, hold
17&18Shuffle to the right (right, left, right)
19-20Rock/step left behind right, rock/return weight to right
21&22Shuffle to the left while making ½ turn left
23-24Rock/step right to right, rock/return weight to left
25&26Step right behind left, step left beside right, touch right heel to right diagonal
&27&28Step back on right, step left across right, step right beside left, touch left heel to left diagonal
&Step back on left
29Step right across left and bend both knees - hold arms out to each side
30-32Unwind for 3 counts and straighten up as you do - arms down (weight now on right)
33-34-35&36Rock/step back on left, step forward on right, making ½ turn right shuffle forward left, right, left
37-38-39&40Rock/step back on right, rock forward onto left, shuffle forward right, left, right
41-44Rock/step forward on left, rock back on right, toe strut back on right
Restart here on wall 2
45-46Making ¼ turn right rock/step right to right side, rock/return weight to left
47-48Stomp right beside left, stomp left slightly to the left
The next series of 8 steps move to the left - the weight ends up on the left at count 56
49Turn toes together (heels apart) while placing right hand on left knee and left hand on right knee
51Turn left toes out and right heel in while placing right hand on right knee and left hand on left knee
53Turn toes together while placing right hand on left knee and left hand on right knee
54Turn left toes out and right heel in while placing right hand on right knee and left hand on left knee
55Turn toes together while placing right hand on left knee and left hand on right knee
56Turn left toes out and right heel in while placing right hand on right knee and left hand on left knee
57-60Rock/step back on right, rock forward on left, step forward on right, clap
61-64Rock/step back on left, rock forward on right, step forward on left, clap


At the end of wall 4

1-4Bump hips back, forward, back, forward

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