1-2Touch right heel forward, touch right beside left.
3-4Touch right heel forward, step right beside left.
5-8Touch left heel forward, touch left beside right, repeat.
9-10Step left to side, touch right toe behind left leg (curtsy).
11-12Step right to side, touch left toe behind right leg (curtsy).
13-14Step left to side, slide right next to left.
15-16Step left to side, touch right beside left.
17-18Step right to side, slide left next to right.
19-20Step right to side, touch left beside right.
21-28Shuffle backwards right-left-right, left-right-left, right-left-right, left-right-left.
29-30Tap right heel forward, touch right to side.
31-32Hitch right behind left & slap heel with left hand, pivot ¼ turn to left while touching right to side.
33-Hitch right across left & slap heel with left hand.
34-37Grapevine right, hitch left.
38-41Step left-right-left turning full turn to right, stomp right beside left.
3-4Touch right heel forward, step right beside left.
5-8Touch left heel forward, touch left beside right, repeat.
9-10Step left to side, touch right toe behind left leg (curtsy).
11-12Step right to side, touch left toe behind right leg (curtsy).
13-14Step left to side, slide right next to left.
15-16Step left to side, touch right beside left.
17-18Step right to side, slide left next to right.
19-20Step right to side, touch left beside right.
21-28Shuffle backwards right-left-right, left-right-left, right-left-right, left-right-left.
29-30Tap right heel forward, touch right to side.
31-32Hitch right behind left & slap heel with left hand, pivot ¼ turn to left while touching right to side.
33-Hitch right across left & slap heel with left hand.
34-37Grapevine right, hitch left.
38-41Step left-right-left turning full turn to right, stomp right beside left.