Position: Couples in promenade position with the lady on the man's right. Drop left hands on the left turn. Lady is on the man's left for the 2nd sequence.
1-2-3Step side left, rock back on the right, step forward on the left
4-5-6Step side right, rock back on the left, step forward on the right
7-8-9Step side left, cross right behind, step side left
10-11-12Cross the right over the left, step back left, step side right
13-14-15Cross the left over the right, step back right, step side left
16-17-18Cross the right over the left, step back left, step side right
19-20-21Step forward on the left & ½ turn left, step right, step left together
22-23-24Step back on the right back on the left, step right beside left
1-2-3Step side left, rock back on the right, step forward on the left
4-5-6Step side right, rock back on the left, step forward on the right
7-8-9Step side left, cross right behind, step side left
10-11-12Cross the right over the left, step back left, step side right
13-14-15Cross the left over the right, step back right, step side left
16-17-18Cross the right over the left, step back left, step side right
19-20-21Step forward on the left & ½ turn left, step right, step left together
22-23-24Step back on the right back on the left, step right beside left