CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Carl Sullivan (AUS)
You'll Always Be Loved By Me - Brooks & Dunn
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1-2Step right to right side, step left forward & across right (on diagonal)
3-4Replace weight on right, step left to left side
5-6Step right forward & across left (on diagonal), replace weight on left
7&8Step right to right side, step left beside right, turning ¼ turn right - step right forward
1-2Step left forward, pivot turn ½ turn right onto right
3&4Turning a further ¼ turn right - side shuffle left-right-left to left side
On above side shuffle body turns 45 degrees right on last step
5-6Step right back on diagonal (body is facing right corner), replace weight on left
&7Still facing corner - step right beside left, step left forward on diagonal
8Turning 45 degrees left (straighten up to face front) - step right to right side
1-2Turning 45 degrees left - step left back on diagonal (facing left corner), replace weight on right
3-4Turning 45 degrees right (straighten up to face front) - step left to left side, step right behind left
5&6Turning ¼ turn left - shuffle forward left-right-left
7-8Step right forward, pivot turn ¼ turn left onto left
1-2Step right across in front of left, step ball of left to left side starting to turn right
3&4Completing a ¾ turn right turn (¾) on left - shuffle forward right-left-right
5-6Step left forward, pivot turn ¼ turn right onto right
7-8Step left across in front of right, step ball of right to right side starting to turn left
1&2Completing a ¾ turn left turn (¾) on right - shuffle forward left-right-left
3-4Rock-step forward on right, rock back on left
5-6Rock-step back on right, rock forward on left
7-8Step right forward turning full turn left (full turn), step left forward
1-2Rock-step forward on right, rock back on left
3&4Turning body 45 degrees right - shuffle back at 2:00 (like a side shuffle on an angle)
5&Turning ¼ left (to face back wall) - step left to left side, step right beside left
6Turning ¼ turn left - step left forward (5&6 is a side shuffle with a ¼ turn left)
7-8Step right forward turning full turn left (full turn), step left forward


After the 4th repetition (facing the front) do this 4 count tag once

1-2Rock-step right to right side, replace weight on left

3-4Rock-step right back behind left, replace weight on left

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