1-2Step left forward, cross right over left
3-4Touch left to left side, cross left over right
5-8Monterey ½ turn to the right
9-12Monterey ½ turn to the left
13-14Shimmy (leaning forward)
17-18Shuffle forward on right
19-20Rock forward on left, replace weight on right
21-22Step left to left side, pivot ½ turn on left to the left
23-24Step left across behind right, kick right to right side
25-26Kick left to left side, kick right forward
27-28Kick left back, stomp left next to right
29-32Jazz box (scuff first step)
3-4Touch left to left side, cross left over right
5-8Monterey ½ turn to the right
9-12Monterey ½ turn to the left
13-14Shimmy (leaning forward)
17-18Shuffle forward on right
19-20Rock forward on left, replace weight on right
21-22Step left to left side, pivot ½ turn on left to the left
23-24Step left across behind right, kick right to right side
25-26Kick left to left side, kick right forward
27-28Kick left back, stomp left next to right
29-32Jazz box (scuff first step)