CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Teenager In Love

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Audrey Watson (SCO) - May 2003
Teenager in Love - Daniel O'Donnell
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Charleston Step R& L. Side Tog ¼ Turn, Side Tog Back .
1-2Touch right toe fwd, step back on right.
3-4Touch left toe back, step fwd on left.
5&6Step right to r/side, step left next right, step ¼ turn right.
7&8Step left to l/side, step right next left, step back on left.

Back Rock Side Hold, Back Rock Side Hold.
1-2Rock back on right, recover on left.
3-4Step right to r/side, hold for a beat.
5-6Rock back on left, recover on right.
7-8Step left to l/side, hold for a beat.

Step Pivot ½ Turn Hold, Left Lock Step Scuff
1-2Step fwd on right, pivot ½ turn left.
3-4Step fwd on right, hold for a beat.
5-6Step fwd on left, lock right behind left.
7-8Step fwd on left, scuff right fwd.

Strutting Jazz Box
1-2Cross right toe over left foot, slap right heel to floor.
3-4Step left toe back, slap left heel to floor.
5-6Step right toe to r/side , slap right heel to floor.
7-8Cross left toe over right foot, slap left heel to floor.

Rock & Cross Hold, Rock & Cross Hold
1-2Rock right to r/side, recover on left.
3-4Cross right over left, hold for a beat.
5-6Rock left to l/side, recover on right.
7-8Cross left over right, hold for a beat.

Right Lock Step Brush, Left Lock Step Brush.
1-2Step fwd on right, lock left behind right.
3-4Step fwd on right. Brush left fwd.
5-6Step fwd on left, lock right behind left.
7-8Step fwd on left. Touch right next left.

R/Side Strut, L/Side Strut, Right Strut, Left Strut.
1-2Step right toe to r/side, drop heel to floor.
3-4Step left toe to l/side, drop left heel to floor
5-6Step right toe centre, drop right heel to floor
7-8Step left toe centre, drop left heel to floor.

Last Revision - 27th March 2013

1 評論

Fred April 3, 2013
Don't be put off by the error. The first 8 counts are in fact 16 (8 for the charlestons & 8 for the chasses) making the dance 64 and perfectly phrased with the music. Apart from that I enjoyed the dance and the music although it does take up a lot of room.

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