CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Linda Jensen (AUS)
Corazón Espinado - Santana
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1&2Side shuffle right (right-left-right)
3-4Cross rock back on left, replace weight forward onto right
5&6Side shuffle left (left-right-left)
7-8Cross rock back on right, replace weight forward onto left (12:00)
1-4Step right forward, ½ pivot left, step right forward, ½ pivot left (weight ends left)
5-8Rock right forward, rock back on left, rock right back, rock forward onto left (use hips)
1&2Side shuffle right (right-left-right)
3-4Cross rock back on left, replace weight forward onto right
5&6Side shuffle left (left-right-left)
7-8Cross rock back on right, replace weight forward onto left
1&2Lock shuffle forward (step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward)
3&4Lock shuffle forward (step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward)
5&6Rock step right forward, replace weight left, step right slightly back (mambo)
7&8Left coaster step (step left back, step right beside left, step left forward)
Restart goes here
1-2Step right forward, turn ¼ left (weight left)
3-4Step right forward, turn ¼ left (weight left)
5-6Step right forward, replace weight back onto left
7-8Full turn right stepping right-left-right on spot (6:00)
1-2Step left forward, turn ¼ right (weight right)
3-4Step left forward, turn ¼ right (weight right)
5-6Step left forward, replace weight back onto right
7-8Full turn left stepping left-right-left on spot (12:00)
1-2Cross rock right over left, replace weight back onto left (now facing left diagonal)
3&4Lock shuffle back to right diagonal (step right back, lock left over right, step right back)
5&6Left sailor step (step left behind right, step right to side, replace weight left)
7&8Right sailor step straightening up to starting wall (right-left-right)
1-2Touch left toe across right, unwind ½ right taking weight onto left
&3&4Step right to side, step left to side, step right to center, step left to center
5-6Rock step right back, rock forward onto left
7-8Walk forward right-left (6:00)

1-2Step right to side, step left behind right
&3-4Step right to side, step left over right, step right to side
5&6Step left behind right, step right to side, step left over right
7-8Step right to side, turn ¼ left taking weight forward onto left (3:00)
1-2Full turn left moving forward stepping right-left
3-4Step right forward, ½ pivot left taking weight onto left
5&6Step right forward, turn ½ left and step left beside right, step right back (turning shuffle)
7-8Rock step left back, rock forward onto right
1-2Step left to side, step right behind left
&3-4Step left to side, step right over left, step left to side
5&6Cross shuffle left stepping right-left-right
7-8Step left to side, turn ¼ right taking weight forward onto right (6:00)
1-2Cross step left over right, touch right to side
&3-4Step right behind left, cross step left over right, touch right to side
5-6Cross step right over left, touch left to side
&7-8Step left behind right, cross step right over left, step left to side
&Hinge turn ½ right on ball of left foot (12:00)


Dance first 32 counts of second "A", then start second "B"

1-2Rock step right to side, replace weight left

3&4Triple step on spot (right-left-right)

5-6Rock step left to side, replace weight right
7&8Triple step on spot (left-right-left)

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