1-2Step left to left, cross right behind left "modified grapevine"
3&4Shuffle left, right, left turning ¼ to the left
5-6Tap right heel forward, hook right
7&8Shuffle right, left, right
9-10Step forward left, pivot ½ turn to the right
11&12Shuffle forward left, right, left
13-14Walk forward right, left
15&16Shuffle forward right, left, right
17-22Three crescent "moonwalks" back with claps, starting on left (2 counts per crescent, clap on second count)
23-24Crescent moonwalk back with right (No clap); Chug Left on second count
25&26Shuffle forward left, right, left
27&28Shuffle forward right, left, right
29-30Step forward left, ½ pivot turn to right shifting weight to right
31-32Step forward left, ½ pivot turn to right shifting weight to right
For a variation as a two wall/or contra dance, omit ¼ turn to the left on count 3 & 4
3&4Shuffle left, right, left turning ¼ to the left
5-6Tap right heel forward, hook right
7&8Shuffle right, left, right
9-10Step forward left, pivot ½ turn to the right
11&12Shuffle forward left, right, left
13-14Walk forward right, left
15&16Shuffle forward right, left, right
17-22Three crescent "moonwalks" back with claps, starting on left (2 counts per crescent, clap on second count)
23-24Crescent moonwalk back with right (No clap); Chug Left on second count
25&26Shuffle forward left, right, left
27&28Shuffle forward right, left, right
29-30Step forward left, ½ pivot turn to right shifting weight to right
31-32Step forward left, ½ pivot turn to right shifting weight to right
For a variation as a two wall/or contra dance, omit ¼ turn to the left on count 3 & 4