1-2Stomp left, stomp right
3-4Two heel clicks
5Jump (feet apart)
6Jump (crossing right in front of left)
7-8Turn to left and clap
9-12Right Mexican dance and clap (yell yaa hoo)
13-16Left Mexican dance and clap (yell yaa hoo)
17-20Vine left (right heel out)
21-24Vine right (left heel out)
25&26Step left forward, together, right
27-28Step left back, scoot on left
29&30Forward right, together, left
31-32Back right, scoot on right
3-4Two heel clicks
5Jump (feet apart)
6Jump (crossing right in front of left)
7-8Turn to left and clap
9-12Right Mexican dance and clap (yell yaa hoo)
13-16Left Mexican dance and clap (yell yaa hoo)
17-20Vine left (right heel out)
21-24Vine right (left heel out)
25&26Step left forward, together, right
27-28Step left back, scoot on left
29&30Forward right, together, left
31-32Back right, scoot on right