1-4Vine left, scuff right
5-8Men: vine right, scuff left (Left hand up/lady ½ turn right)
Ladies: ½ turn right and - Step forward right, step in-place left, Step in-place right, scuff left
9-12Men: vine left, scuff right (both hands up/lady full turn left)
Ladies: 1 full turn left and - step in-place left, right, left, scuff right
13-16Men: vine right, scuff left (release left & raise right hand/lady 1 ½ turns right)
Ladies: 1 ½ turns right and - step right, left, right, scuff left
17-18Step left forward, scuff forward right
19-20Step right forward, scuff forward left
21-22Step left forward, scuff forward right
23-24Step right forward, scuff forward left
5-8Men: vine right, scuff left (Left hand up/lady ½ turn right)
Ladies: ½ turn right and - Step forward right, step in-place left, Step in-place right, scuff left
9-12Men: vine left, scuff right (both hands up/lady full turn left)
Ladies: 1 full turn left and - step in-place left, right, left, scuff right
13-16Men: vine right, scuff left (release left & raise right hand/lady 1 ½ turns right)
Ladies: 1 ½ turns right and - step right, left, right, scuff left
17-18Step left forward, scuff forward right
19-20Step right forward, scuff forward left
21-22Step left forward, scuff forward right
23-24Step right forward, scuff forward left