1-2Step forward right, kick left foot forward
3-4Step back left, touch right toe behind
5-6Step forward right, kick left foot forward
7-8Touch left toe behind, unwind ½ turn over left shoulder
9&10Shuffle forward on right foot
11&12Shuffle forward on left foot
&13-14Step right to right, step left to left, clap (out, out)
&15-16Step right in, step left in, clap (in, in)
17-32Repeat steps 1-16
33-36Step right to right side, shimmy shoulders, slide left foot next to right, clap
37-40Repeat steps 33-36
41-44Grapevine left with a ¼ turn left
45-46Bump hips right for 2
47-48Bump hips left for 2
On steps 49-56, click fingers while toe strutting
49-50Toe strut right to right side
51-52Toe strut left across right
53-54Toe strut right to right side
55-56Toe strut left across right
On steps 57-64 wave hands at sides while step turning
57-64Complete a full turn left, stepping right ¼ turn 4 times
3-4Step back left, touch right toe behind
5-6Step forward right, kick left foot forward
7-8Touch left toe behind, unwind ½ turn over left shoulder
9&10Shuffle forward on right foot
11&12Shuffle forward on left foot
&13-14Step right to right, step left to left, clap (out, out)
&15-16Step right in, step left in, clap (in, in)
17-32Repeat steps 1-16
33-36Step right to right side, shimmy shoulders, slide left foot next to right, clap
37-40Repeat steps 33-36
41-44Grapevine left with a ¼ turn left
45-46Bump hips right for 2
47-48Bump hips left for 2
On steps 49-56, click fingers while toe strutting
49-50Toe strut right to right side
51-52Toe strut left across right
53-54Toe strut right to right side
55-56Toe strut left across right
On steps 57-64 wave hands at sides while step turning
57-64Complete a full turn left, stepping right ¼ turn 4 times