1-4Swivel heels to right, center, left, center.
5-10Touch right heel forward, tap right toe next to left, touch right heel forward twice, step back right, touch left toe back.
11-16Step left, brush right forward & cross/step right over left (lock step); step back left, drag right back to left, step back left.
17-22Step right, brush left forward & cross/step left over right (lock step); step back right, drag left back to right, step back right.
23-26Step left, brush right forward & up, brush down & across left, brush up & across left, into a
27-29Grapevine right.
30-32Brush left forward & up, brush down across right, brush up across right, into a
33-35Grapevine left.
36-41Tap right in place, tap right to side, tap right behind left, tap right to side, tap right in place, step back right.
42-49Tap left toe back, step left, kick right & clap hands, step right, repeat last 4 steps.
50-56Tap left in place, step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, step right beside left.
57-58Pivot ¼ turn to left (on left heel & right toes), bring right next to left.
5-10Touch right heel forward, tap right toe next to left, touch right heel forward twice, step back right, touch left toe back.
11-16Step left, brush right forward & cross/step right over left (lock step); step back left, drag right back to left, step back left.
17-22Step right, brush left forward & cross/step left over right (lock step); step back right, drag left back to right, step back right.
23-26Step left, brush right forward & up, brush down & across left, brush up & across left, into a
27-29Grapevine right.
30-32Brush left forward & up, brush down across right, brush up across right, into a
33-35Grapevine left.
36-41Tap right in place, tap right to side, tap right behind left, tap right to side, tap right in place, step back right.
42-49Tap left toe back, step left, kick right & clap hands, step right, repeat last 4 steps.
50-56Tap left in place, step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, step right beside left.
57-58Pivot ¼ turn to left (on left heel & right toes), bring right next to left.