CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Open Arms

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Improver / Intermediate
Simon Ward (AUS), Sal Gonzalez (USA) & Jackie Snyder (USA)
Open Arms - Collin Raye
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1-3Turn ¼ left stepping left across right, rock right to right, transfer weight centered on left
4-6Cross/step right over left, rock left to left, transfer weight center on right turning ¼ right
7-9Step left forward, step in place right-left turning a full turn left
10-12Step right forward, step in place left-right turning a full turn right
13-15Step left slightly forward, drag right toe around in front of left, cross/step right over left
16-18Step left slightly back, step right back at 45 degrees right, drag left towards right
19-21Step left back at 45 degrees left, drag right towards left for counts 20 & 21
22-24Step right back at 45 degrees right, drag left towards right for counts 23 & 24
25-27Step left back turning ½ turn left, step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left
28-30Step right forward turning ¼ turn left, slide left towards right for counts 29 & 30
31-33Step left behind right, rock right to right, transfer weight center on left (turn body slightly left on counts 31 then straighten up for counts 32 & 33)
34-36Step right behind left, rock left to left, transfer weight center on right (turn body slightly right on counts 34 then straighten up for counts 35 & 36)
37-39Step left behind right, step right to right turning ¼ right, step left forward
40-42Pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right, rock/step left forward, rock/step right back
43-45Step left forward, step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left
46-48Step right forward, step left forward, pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right

Start dance on vocals but you must do these six counts before you start the dance for phrasing reasons. This happens at the beginning of the song and the end of the song. (please feel free to use your arms)

1-3Step left to left swaying hips to left, slightly slide right towards left, hold
4-6Step right to right swaying hips to right, slightly slide left towards right, hold

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