1-8Touch right foot out to the side (3 o'clock), cross right foot on back of left foot, unwind ½ turn to the right clap, repeat with left foot touching side to 9 o'clock
9-16Shuffle forward starting with the right foot, right-left-right, left-right-left, right-left-right, left-right-left
17-24Step forward right foot, pivot turn ½ to the left shifting weight onto left foot. Shuffle forward, right-left-right, left-right-left step. Forward right foot, (pivoting ¼ left), step on left foot
25-32Touch right foot to side 3 o'clock, to the front 12 o'clock, out to 3 o'clock again, step back to 6 o'clock touch left foot out to 9 o'clock, front to 12 o'clock, back to 9 o'clock, step back to 6 o'clock
9-16Shuffle forward starting with the right foot, right-left-right, left-right-left, right-left-right, left-right-left
17-24Step forward right foot, pivot turn ½ to the left shifting weight onto left foot. Shuffle forward, right-left-right, left-right-left step. Forward right foot, (pivoting ¼ left), step on left foot
25-32Touch right foot to side 3 o'clock, to the front 12 o'clock, out to 3 o'clock again, step back to 6 o'clock touch left foot out to 9 o'clock, front to 12 o'clock, back to 9 o'clock, step back to 6 o'clock