1&2Chasse left
3-4Rock back right behind left
5&6Kick ball cross
7-8Point right & across left
9-10Point left & across right
11-12Step forward right ½ pivot left
1&2Shuffle forward right
3-4Step forward left ½ pivot right
5-6-7-8Weave beginning left over right
9-10-11-12Rolling vine tap right
13&14Shuffle forward right
15-16Step forward left ½ pivot right
17&18Shuffle forward left
19-20Step forward right ½ pivot left
1&2Syncopated jazz box
3-4Rock right to right side, back on left
5&6Cross chasse left
7&8Chasse left
9&10Right sailor
11&12Left sailor
13-14-15Right stomp, left stomp, right stomp
3-4Rock back right behind left
5&6Kick ball cross
7-8Point right & across left
9-10Point left & across right
11-12Step forward right ½ pivot left
1&2Shuffle forward right
3-4Step forward left ½ pivot right
5-6-7-8Weave beginning left over right
9-10-11-12Rolling vine tap right
13&14Shuffle forward right
15-16Step forward left ½ pivot right
17&18Shuffle forward left
19-20Step forward right ½ pivot left
1&2Syncopated jazz box
3-4Rock right to right side, back on left
5&6Cross chasse left
7&8Chasse left
9&10Right sailor
11&12Left sailor
13-14-15Right stomp, left stomp, right stomp