1-2-3&4Cross rock, recover, shuffle left
5-6-7&8Rock/recover right foot forward, sailor step ½ turn right
1-2-3&4Rock/recover left foot forward, shuffle back
5-6-7&8Rock/recover back on right foot, military turn ½
1-2Rock back left foot, recover on right
3&4Left toe out, right toe out, step right
5-6Tap left toe in front, bump hip forward
7-8&Shift weight to left, point right toe forward, bump hip out forward
1-2Rock left foot forward, recover on right
3&4¾ turn to left crossing left over right (weight on right)
5&6Kick ball cross left
7&8&Right toe out, left toe out and hitch left knee, crossing right to begin new wall
On the 5th wall after count 16, hitch on the '&' count and restart from count 1
5-6-7&8Rock/recover right foot forward, sailor step ½ turn right
1-2-3&4Rock/recover left foot forward, shuffle back
5-6-7&8Rock/recover back on right foot, military turn ½
1-2Rock back left foot, recover on right
3&4Left toe out, right toe out, step right
5-6Tap left toe in front, bump hip forward
7-8&Shift weight to left, point right toe forward, bump hip out forward
1-2Rock left foot forward, recover on right
3&4¾ turn to left crossing left over right (weight on right)
5&6Kick ball cross left
7&8&Right toe out, left toe out and hitch left knee, crossing right to begin new wall
On the 5th wall after count 16, hitch on the '&' count and restart from count 1