1&2-3&4Right kick & touch side left, left kick & touch side right
5-6&7-8&Step right forward, swivel heels ¼ turn left & hold (weight stays on right)
1&2-3&4Left lockstep forward, right lockstep forward
5&6-7&8Left scuff & hitch (ending with left touch), down & up (weight ends up on left)
1-2-3&4Tap right to side twice, right behind left & cross in front of left
5-6-7-8Left knee roll twice & step down on left, right knee roll twice & step down on it
1&2-3&4Left shuffle forward, right rock & cross
5&6-7&8Left rock & cross, left swivel & swivel with a ½ turn right (weight ends on left)
5-6&7-8&Step right forward, swivel heels ¼ turn left & hold (weight stays on right)
1&2-3&4Left lockstep forward, right lockstep forward
5&6-7&8Left scuff & hitch (ending with left touch), down & up (weight ends up on left)
1-2-3&4Tap right to side twice, right behind left & cross in front of left
5-6-7-8Left knee roll twice & step down on left, right knee roll twice & step down on it
1&2-3&4Left shuffle forward, right rock & cross
5&6-7&8Left rock & cross, left swivel & swivel with a ½ turn right (weight ends on left)