1-2-3Left across right and step, right to side and step, left next to right and step
4-5-6Right across left and step, left to side and step, right next to left and step
1-2-3Left across right and step, right to side and step, left next to right and step
4-5-6Right across left and step, left to side and step, right next to left and step
1-2-3Left across right and step, right to side and step, left back and step
4-5-6Right back and step, left to side and step, right forward and step
1-2-3Left forward and step (¼ turn left), right to side and step left next to right and step
4-5-6Right back and step, left to side and step, right next to left and step
1-2-3Left forward and step (¼ turn left), right to side and step left next to right and step
4-5-6Right back and step, left to side and step, right next to left and step
Turn ¼ turn left on first step of first twinkle
1-2-3Left across right and step, right to side and step, left next to right and step
4-5-6Right across left and step, left to side and step, right next to left and step
1-2-3Left across right and step, right to side and step, left next to right and step
4-5-6Right across left and step, left to side and step, right next to left and step
1-2-3Left across right and step, right to side and step, left back and step
4-5-6Right back and step, left to side and step, right forward and step
1-2-3Left forward and step (¼ turn left), right to side and step left next to right and step
4-5-6Right back and step, left to side and step, right next to left and step
1-2-3Left forward and step (¼ turn left), right to side and step left next to right and step
4-5-6Right back and step, left to side and step, right next to left and step
Turn ¼ turn left on first step of first twinkle